Do I need an appointment to visit the store?
No, you don't need an appointment to visit our stores. You are welcome to visit at any time. You can find a list of our stores through the "Find a Store" link. However, booking an appointment with one of our sales advisors ensures you a personnalized shopping experience without interruption.
Are there any fees associated with booking an in-store appointment?
No, there are no fees associated with booking an appointment.
What should I do if I am late for my appointment or cannot make it?
Your sales advisor will wait for 15 minutes before closing the appointment slot. If you cannot make it, you can follow the instructions in the email to cancel or modify your appointment.
How can I modify or cancel my appointment?

You can modify or cancel your appointment by following the instructions in the confirmation or reminder email.

Our Customer Service Advisors are available to provide personalized assistance and answer your questions Monday to Friday from 10 AM to 9 PM, and on weekends from 10 AM to 7 PM at +33 1 85 14 97 30.

What services are offered during an in-store appointment with a RIMOWA sales advisor?
The services offered include: exploring RIMOWA products and collections or repairs.
How can I get help or advice if I have questions before my in-store appointment?
Once your appointment request is confirmed, a sales advisor will call you before your appointment to help you prepare.
Can I book an in-store appointment on the website with a sales advisor or a RIMOWA repair expert?

Yes. You can book an in-store appointment by clicking on the “BOOK APPOINTMENT” button available under the “In-Store Appointments” section on the “Contact” page, or by going to the “Find a Store” link and clicking on the calendar icon for the store of your choice.

To request an appointment, you will need to select a store and a service offered by that store. You can then choose the date and time for your appointment.

To confirm your appointment request, you must fill out a form with your first name, last name, email address, and phone number. You can also add a comment in the "Comments" field to better specify your needs so the sales advisor can assist you (e.g., I want to explore the new suitcase collection).

Which stores can I book an appointment at?

You can select the store of your choice from the store locator link.

How and when will I receive the appointment confirmation from the store?
Once your appointment request is booked at your chosen store, you will receive a confirmation email. A reminder will be sent to you via email before your appointment time.
Can I book an in-store appointment and then make my purchase online?
Yes, you can explore RIMOWA products during your appointment and then make your purchase online.