Which shipping options are available and what are the shipping fees?
We currently offer standard and express deliveries within the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Monaco. Standard delivery is free of charge for online purchases over £235. For lower amount purchases, the standard delivery fee differs by country. Our express shipping also varies per country. Please see your country-specific information during your check out process.
Can I purchase online and pick-up my order in store?
Unfortunately, this service is not yet available.
How do I track my parcel?

You can track the status of your order by logging into your MY RIMOWA Account.

Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive confirmation from RIMOWA via e-mail with the tracking number. This tracking number will allow you to check the delivery status of your order directly on the carrier's website.

Are there any shipping restrictions ?


RIMOWA does not ship to PO Boxes. Please also note that TOSHI only delivers to select areas in the UK. Please check that your address is covered by this delivery service.

Rest of EMEA

RIMOWA does not ship to PO Boxes.


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